Sabtu, 11 Juli 2015



Abdul Hamid Aly

English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Islamic University of Malang

Abstract: This article describes the way of Modified Jigsaw Strategy can improve the first grade students’ Reading Comprehension in narrative text of SMAN 2 Malang. The students experienced difficult to comprehend reading texts which 25% of the class failed to reach the standard minimum of the school, most of students obtain score under 75 which the standard score of the school. This study used Classroom Action Research (CAR) as the research design. The subjects of this study were one class of the first grade students which consisted of 31 students. The procedures of the study covered four steps: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The data gathered were in the form of quantitative,observation and checklist and the field note of the teaching and learning process, and qualitative data,reading comprehension test. The result is the average of students’ score is 85.32 and the criteria of success have been reached and the students’ reading comprehension was improved.
Keywords: Students’ Reading Comprehension, Modified Jigsaw Strategy, and Narrative text.

Reading is important to do. In addition, it has forced people to be up to date from news of the new information across different countries.
In senior high school syllabus, reading is focused on how the students can understand kinds of texts according to the topics given. It is crucial to note that to reach the aim of reading skill students will need some strategies as the way of their reading activity in order to make easy to understand some text from passage. Practicing one strategy to improve their reading skill in order to make them easy to understand is a necessity. This case is supported by Brown (2000:16) who stated that recognizing a whole models of exercises, activities, or task based are becoming aware of the purpose of learning that is being a part of language classroom. When reading makes them enjoyable and easy to understand they will know and get the main idea of text or article which then leads them to a better reading skill. Instead, Duffy (2009:4) voiced that to improve student’s enthusiasm in reading we must do two things for them: firstly, we have to have the goal of reading a text; secondly, we should give the student the exams that will make them understand objectives of reading the text.
In addition, there is a question to answer. Some strategies are developed by some experts of education. Instead there are many strategies that could be applied for reading but only one way which will be enjoyable for learning and main strategy in this study as well, jigsaw strategy. This strategy is specialized for reading skill in teaching and learning English. To improve reading comprehension skill it is suitable to use jigsaw strategy. It could be pinpointed as Crawford (2005) described that this strategy will help the pupils to be able to understand the text that they read. Such an “expert” they will lead each other of their portion. Besides, it will have an action and rules in teaching and learning and knowledge of deep understanding and higher order of thinking.
A number of problems were identified at second year students of SMAN 2 (Public Senior High School). In addition, out of 31 students, only 5 students got above 7.5 and the average score of the student is 63.25 whereas the SKBM (standard of minimum score) of the school was 7.5. Apparently, those problems occurred because the students have less interest in reading. This was caused from both the text of passage and the activity of reading. Firstly, the students felt lazy because the text is too long and the text was not interesting. Secondly, the students of SMAN 2 especially the first grade students gain less interest in reading that was caused by the way of learning or the activity in the class that they learned individually whereas they need pair or partner to share the information, opinions, or their arguments about the text. In conclusion, the students of SMAN especially the first grade students have less interest in reading that was caused by the text which was too long and the inappropriate method of teaching and learning.
 Accordingly, it is asserted that the students of SMAN 2 especially first grade students gained the problem. Furthermore, based on the statement above, the researcher will conduct the research to improve the first year students of SMAN 2 Kota Malang under title “The use of Modified Jigsaw Strategy to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text at First Grade of SMAN 2 Malang”.


The researcher employed strategy of jigsaw as the strategy in order to improve the reading comprehension of   the second grade of SMAN 2 MALANG. The research design deployed is CAR (Classroom Action Research). According to Latief (2013:143) classroom action research for English subject is to develop a strategy or English learning technique in the learning and teaching process in order to solve the problems that the teachers and students faced in the classroom. Clearly, the planning of the action includes some steps: (1) preparing teaching procedure, (2) designing the lesson plan, (3) preparing instructional material, and (4) setting the criteria of success.
The implementation of the action was designed in one cycle which consists of four meetings. The first meeting was used to introduce the narrative text and the way to use Jigsaw strategy on learning process, practiced the strategy, and got closer to the students; moreover, the second and third meeting were used to teach the students narrative texts using Jigsaw strategy, and the researcher included a group discussion as the part of teaching and learning activity in the classroom. In addition, the last meeting was a test of reading comprehension in order to know students reading comprehensions progress.
Assuredly, Crawford (2005) and Harmer (2007) reasoned the phases of the modified jigsaw are, firstly, the students are divided into 5 or 6 groups as their home group and read the different materials in one group that they will receive; secondly, after they have read the material, the students are expected to move to other group as ‘expert group’ with the same material and discuss it together in group.Certainly, the researcher adds an activity by taking note and filling in the chart. Thirdly, the students get back to their home group for presenting what they have gotten from presenting the materials. Finally, the teacher gives them the evaluation and feedback for clarification.
            During the implementation of the actions, both of the collaborator teacher and the researcher observed the students using observation checklist and field notes. Besides, these instruments were used to record student’s progress and to collect qualitative data.
            Next, the researcher analyzed the data which was obtained from observation checklist, field notes, and test referring to the criteria of success. Finally, the researcher drew a conclusion on the teaching and learning process whether the teaching result met the criteria of success or not. Indicator of success here was a sign to determine that the use of jigsaw strategy already succeeds in solving the problems of first grade students of SMAN 2 Malang. The indicator of success in this strategy during the teaching and learning process was 75% of students’ scores were increased to be above of score 75 on the school basis of the minimum mastery of learning standard.
The research was conducted for two months through the beginning of February up to the end of March 2015. The subjects of the study werefirst grade students. The research was focused on one class, namely the second semester students of X MIA 4 class. The class had 31 students, 13 male and 18 female students, and the researcher used the class based on some reasons:1. Most of them had difficulties in comprehending a reading text especially    narrative text. 2. Most of themhad low motivation in reading. 3. Most of them judged that reading is a boring activity. 


In accordance, the data obtained from the instruments of this research, the researcher found that teaching reading comprehension skills using Modified Jigsaw Strategy could improve the students reading comprehension skills. It could be seen from the result of the test that the problem found in the class such was the mean of the students reading was 63.25, meaning that 5 students got score above 75 which became SKBM of the school. In fact, after Modified Jigsaw Strategy had been implemented the mean score of the students was 85.32 and only 2 students got score under 75 which is the standard score of the school. In other word, 80% of students could handle their lack of reading comprehension in narrative text,
Firstly, calculated observation checklist more than 90% of the students were involved in group to discuss the text given by the researcher, active to respond to teacher question and instruction. The researcher assumed that all activities of teaching reading comprehension skill using Modified Jigsaw Strategy could improve their activity and their reading comprehension skills. It could be seen from the result of the instruments that the researcher usedthe researcher found that the students were interested in the teaching and learning material. They understood about the material. Here could be prove that they were active, motivated, and serious with the teaching and learning process in the first meeting although they were further tired because they had physical exercise. However, the data in the second and last meeting showed that most of students became motivated, enthusiastic, disciplined, and enjoyed the teaching and learning process. This was shown in their activities such as the finishing the task on time, paying attention on to researcher’s instruction and answering the questions given. Moreover, they looked happy and relaxed to do all activities.
Secondly, the researcher drew conclusion based on the field note data that at first meeting, some students had difficulty to understand the explanation given about the steps of Modified Jigsaw Strategy, but in the following meeting their reading comprehension skills and motivation was better or improved. Furthermore, based on the field notes the use of Modified Jigsaw Strategy solved their lack of reading comprehension in narrative text. The problem found in the class such was the mean of the students reading was 63.25, meaning that 5 students got score above 75 which became Standard Minimum Score of the school. In fact, after Modified Jigsaw Strategy had been implemented the mean score of the students was 85.32 and only 2 students got score under 75 which is the standard score of the school. In other word, 80% of students could handle their lack of reading comprehension in narrative text; they looked very happy to do each learning activity, for they were very active to share their understanding in group and gave feedback to the researcher.
Lastly, the test which could measure the students’ reading comprehension skills improvement since the action of this cycle was implemented. Certainly, the number of students who reached the criteria of success of this research is increased from 25 % to 93% of all of students. In addition, the mean score of students when doing preliminary test was 63.25 then the student’s mean score improved, to 85.32 when answering the reading comprehension test.    
From the data that had been obtained by the instruments above, the researcher assumed that the use of Modified Jigsaw Strategy could improve the students’ activity, motivation and score. The students had positive attitude of their activity, and their score was improved that the mean score of preliminary study was 63.25 and after the implementation of the action, the mean score was 85.32 from the positive improvement above, it could be concluded that all of the criteria of the study had been achieved. Therefore, the researcher did not need to continue the next cycle.This finding was supported by a theory of Modified Jigsaw Strategy that has been stated by Slavin(1994), Crawford (2005)this strategy requires student to be social person that they help each other by Jigsaw Strategy and this strategy demonstrated a good development. Moreover the researcher mixed 2 types of jigsaw strategy to make new innovation from two experts both Crawford (2005) and Harmer (2007) that stated jigsaw strategy is one of cooperative learning’s to improve reading comprehension skill of learners.
Such as Freeman (2000: 168) attached the principles of jigsaw strategy are
The jigsaw strategy is where all students discuss their problem in expert group after having discussion in home group and each group member must encourage feeling responsibility for participating learning and leader is distributed as well. As evidence, both observation checklist and field notes showed that the students’ quality of learning in this class was improved meeting by meeting. They had a positive attitude such as responsibility in their task and respect each other toward the implementation of the researcher’s strategy such as the improvement of the students’ activity to ask and answer the question toward both the researcher and their friends, and they enjoyed doing all activities of the Modified Jigsaw Strategy. They could understand the material easily and catch the general idea of the text faster. Dealing with Harris and Graham (2007:2) Inserted reading comprehensionis the process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex processesthat include word reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency.
The argument of some experts and the finding above were supported by a theory from Lau and Chan (2003) that students’ motivation was influenced by the strategy used by the teachers in conducting teaching and learning processes. In other word, the more appropriate the strategy is the more motivated the students learn. In a line, Modified Jigsaw Strategy which was used by the researcher covered some activities such:The material was narrative text which was taken from some sources suitable for Senior High School. The researcher conducted the research based on the lesson plan that had been planned which took 2 x 45 minutes per meeting. The researcher divided the process of teaching and learning into three parts I.e.: opening, main activity and closing.
To sum up, Elliot Aronson (1978 as cited in Najah, 2011) yielded jigsaw is cooperative learning technique which was originally designed for fifth grade and sixth grade class. It has been widely used in primary through college classes. Furthermore, the teaching and learning through Modified Jigsaw Strategy enhanced the students’ motivation. The high level students helped the lower ones; the students work cooperatively and share their ideas when in group discussion. They also exchanged the information they gained from the paragraph. It made the students easier to comprehend the text rather than they should read whole paragraph individually. That is why the student’s reading comprehension skills in narrative text of the first grade students of SMAN 2 Malang could be improved by Modified Jigsaw Strategy. By means, both A.H. Najah (2011) and Khoiron (2014), previous studies which has similarities in this study, could be proven that there were positive effect between Jigsaw strategy and the students’ achievement of EFL students.


The result of this research dealing with improving students reading comprehension in narrative text can be concluded that the use of Modified Jigsaw Strategy in the classroom has to go through four meetings, three meetings were used to implementation of Modified Jigsaw Strategy and one meeting to measure the students’ reading comprehension in narrative text.
The researcher achieved the criteria of success of this research successfully. The criteria of success are obtained when 75% of the whole students score in reading comprehension is ≥75. In fact, the result of the test demonstrated that after the use of Modified Jigsaw Strategy in teaching and learning process, the students’ score has increased. Therefore, this Modified Jigsaw Strategy solved the students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at first grade of SMAN 2 Malang.
Based on the finding above, the researcher recommended some suggestion that were addressed to: firstly, the teacher of senior high school is suggested to use Modified Jigsaw Strategy in teaching reading comprehension. It is suggested because Modified Jigsaw Strategy can solve the problem found in teaching and learning process. The teacher has to use an appropriate strategy in cooperative learning method in teaching reading to create an active, interactive, and communicative reading class. One of the strategies recommended is Modified Jigsaw Strategy. Secondly,the future researchers have to consider the use of Modified Jigsaw Strategy in improving students’ reading comprehension in order to make more innovation for the next research findings; moreover, this research can be experimented.

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