Senin, 08 Februari 2016


Abdul Hamid Aly

Dr. HjMutmainnahMustofa, M.Pd

November 2015

Literature is a wonderful way to learn, to enjoy, to escape, and "see the world," all from the vantage point of a reading chair. Moreover,  we read literature and we should read literature are age-old questions that have, in recent years, gained unprecedented scope and intensity, against the backdrop of what has been perceived as a world-wide crisis in the humanities. While scholars frequently discuss different types of value separately, in this volume values of literature are approached in the plural: we argue that the ethical, aesthetic, physical, and religion values of literature should be explored in connection with each other. In accordance, literature not only reflects and draws on the values of the historical world from which it stems; it also actively addresses, challenges, and transforms those values and explores new ways to understand value. Throughout this explanation, one of branches of philosophy dealing with nature of art, beauty, and taste, with the creation and appreciation of beauty is aesthetical value, which talking about the wonderful side of the literary work.
Certainly, the writer cited of Rumi’s poems as the data of his analysis, here, the writer provide ten data of his poem to be analyzed. Furthermore, in his analysis, the writer only took the aesthetical aspect of the data trough form and content as well. In short, those data is taken from Rumi’s poems under titled “New Rule”, “All through eternity”, “What can I do, Muslim?”, “With Love”, and “Two kinds of intelligences”. By awareness, the writer knew there are many unconsciousness mistake are typed that should be revised by reader, expert. With pleasure, all comments and suggestions are needed to be given. Thank you.

B.     Summary of MewlanaJalaluddin Rumi’spoems

B.1. Summary of “New Rule”

Before he became a world-famous poet and Sufi mystic, a religious scholar named Jalal ad-Din Rumi struggled with a feeling of inexplicable emptiness.Despite his thousands of admirers and disciples, Rumi felt something was missing in his life.
A wandering dervish called shams of Tabriz came as the answer to Rumi’s prayers. The pair were kindred spirits and intellectual equals who reveled in discussing and debating matters of God, man and divine love. Their friendship, in 13th-century Anatolia, transformed Rumi.The Sufi perspective on Islam -- and how drastically it differs from that of fundamentalists -- is a major theme. At one point, a judge scolds Shams for his “complicated” view of life, saying: “Human beings are simple creatures with simple needs. It falls upon the leaders to see to their needs and make sure they do not go astray. That requires applying the sharia [Islamic law] to perfection.” Shams, in typical fashion, responds: “The sharia is like acandle. It provides us with much valuable light. But let us not forget that a candle helps us to go from one place to another in the dark. If we forget where we are headed and instead concentrate on the candle, what good is it?”

B.2. Summary of “All Through Eternity

This poem by Rumi exemplifies what I believe would be an ideal rendition of a God. All through eternity his beauty is echoed. Love and beauty together live in eternity. Love is beautiful, this is true and to me this is the focal point of this poem. They go hand in hand for eternity. And God's eye watches them as he watches all. The poem gave me a very calming feeling and I did not even read in a completely peaceful environment.Furthermore, Rumi has been trying to find meaning in human life since time eternal. Every human being attempts to associate some meaning with his or her life.However, historically, some individuals have developed very powerful concepts of humanity and moved millions of people by articulating their thoughts creatively.The eminent Sufi and Persian poet Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi (1207-1273) has been one such figure who has not only given an inspirational meaning to human life but has also expressed his thoughts through poetry and inspired countless people across centuries.Though all of Rumi’s work is admirable, his famous Mathnawi has received perhaps the greatest attention. The powerful allegorical and metaphorical expressions within it have transcended time and context. Even after the passage of several centuries his poetic message is still considered relevant.Building on the spiritual tradition of the Abrahamic faiths, particularly focusing on Islam, Rumi developed some universal concepts of human life.

B.3. Summary of “With Love”

First of all, spring's onset blesses our planet with a revival of beauty, bounty, and new life. As nature's rebirth begins, I hope our hearts and souls also bloom the new buds of love, compassion, and hope, which could bring about a much more peaceful, loving, and caring year for all of earth's inhabitants. Unfortunately, last years our world was plagued with wars and violence. Many people, including innocent children, women, and men have been killed or injured. Countless others suffer from insufficient food, shelter, and medicine. I pray to Hazrate Eshgh (the God of love) that this coming Noruz will be a healthy, happy, prosperous, harmonious, and peaceful year for every living creature on our beautiful planet, especially for my fellow Iranians and everyone who celebrates Noruz ( Majid M. Naini: 2008) . I hope that a magical divine ray of love, wisdom, and humanity will shine through the hearts of all people and their leaders. I wish this would miraculously warm their hearts and enlighten their souls to make a genuine effort for eternal peace on Earth.
1. Mewlana declares that love is the reason for the creation of the universe. Love makes mountains dance and the whole universe sing a heavenly song of divine unity. Love surpasses all the boundaries of race, nationality, gender, religion, civilization, and culture. As love is universal, so is truth.
2. Love is the miraculous force that quickens the flow of the energy of our souls and allows us to soar to the highest state of ecstasy in our majestic journey of life. Through love, all the ills of humanity can be cured.

B.4. Summary of what can i do, Muslims?”

This poem is written by Jalal Al-din Rumiwith the title “what can i do, Muslims? .Moreover, this poem describes us what will the Muslims do truly, the Muslim is nothing without their god, based on holy Qur’an which stated the meaning “all of above in this world and under the world is belongs to Allah”. In same word, this poem could be explanation of Tasawuf (norm science in Islam) side as well.

Jalal al-din Rumi (1207–1273, Anatolia, now turkey), The poet, scholar, and ufi mystic known to persians as “mawlana” and to westerners as “rumi” is one of the best-loved poets in persian and world literary history. Born in Balkh, now on the afghan/ Tajik border, he spent most of his life in the sultanate of rum (now turkey) and founded the mevlevi order of whirling dervishes. Now the best-selling poet in the United States, Rumi’s work has become popular partially through the efforts of the translator Coleman barks, whose work employs a uniquely contemporary idiom.

B.5. Summary of “Two Kinds of Intelligence”
This poem was written by Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet, jurist, theologian, and Sufi mystic. It could have been written a week ago – it’s expression and wording are so relevant to us now and so worth carrying into our hearts. Assuredly, He speaks of heart-knowing and body-knowing. Of what moves us and what we know is true deep down; and then attending to what we know.
Attending to this special knowing isn’t as easy as we would like. Most of us have covered up our knowing with obligations, rules, fears and what we have come to think of as necessary imperatives. For instance, I have a big presentation tomorrow; I don’t have time to sit quietly over dinner, go for a walk, or do anything that isn’t directly related to preparing for this event. And yet, if I were to take that walk, I might discover something about myself that would bring that presentation alive and make it genuine.
C.    Analysis of poems by Abdul Hamid Aly
C.1. Form (Aesthetical value)

1.     My place is placeless, my trace is traceless, 
            no body, no soul, I am from the soul of souls. 
 (What can I do Muslim)
The word“My place is placeless, my trace is traceless,describes the Illustration of his life meaning that he is nothing in this world. The words Placeless and traceless refer to hopeless or nothing. He is just the Muslim that is nothing who has aware or Tawadhu’ of Allah who gave him the strength to do something and did not do something. In this data SyeihJalaluddin Rumi inform us that “All of thing in this world belongs to Allah” (based on Holy Qur’an). In Addition, the beauty of this data shows Tawadhu’of Rumi’s word and this is called by Aesthetical value. 
  2.        From love, bitter becomes sweet,
From love, thorns become flowers,
(With Love)
The data shows the description of love that the writer will show us that such as bitter to be sweet and thorns become flowers. Furthermore, the writer, in our mind, spoke that because love all badness and sickness changed by beautiful and wonderful. Those data wrote” bitter” and “thorns” which refers to Sickness or painful but contrary those changed by “sweet” and “Flower” because of love. Here, the writer describes love will change the pain by the good because when love touch you it will say beauty things from what you love.Moreover, in holy Qur’an, Allah SAW said that “فَٱنكِحُواْ مَا طَابَ لَكُم مِّنَ ٱلنِّسَآءِ” (An-Nisa’:04) which has meaning “marry of the women, who seem good to you” by means that we are asked by God to look for the good woman (that we love) because implicitly He said that by that love we change the badness by good thing of our sight to the women, Wallahua’lam. In other words Illustration is the use of examples to make ideas more concrete and to make generalizations more specific and detailedand this is called by the aesthetical value.

3.     I am not from east or west, not from land or sea, 
                    not from the shafts of nature
                          nor from the spheres of the firmament, 
                                not of the earth, not of water, not of air, not of fire. ...
       I am not from the world, not from beyond, 
                    not from heaven and not from hell. ...
(What can I do, Muslim)
Two sentences” I am not from east or west, not from land or sea, I am not from the world, not from beyond,explains the repetition that have meaning he is not from east or west which show the direction and neither from land nor sea that the two places of types in this world. This data is beautiful from the word that explains us he isn’t from anywhere and everywhere. Moreover, the writer shows he is nothing. In addition Repetition is a literary device that repeats the same words or phrases a few times to make an idea clearer.
4.    Why should he go begging door to door?
Last night that moon came along,
drunk, dropping clothes in the street.
(New Rule)

This data refers to the moon rise up to the sky which describe such as the moon came along, this data explains the spread of moon is by stated “came along.In addition, the writer give analogical expression by saying such the moon came along, which take the character or activity of human being in death thing. In short, the moon didn’t came by event walking or jumping. This data agrees with the beauty of literary work, writer try to said by good way and wonderful way by saying”Last night that moon came along”. This is the beauty or the sense of this poem. Assuredly, this data show personification of the word laugh, the action of the human life, belongs to life for stressing the sentence.
5.       The lover is a king above all kings,
unafraid of death, not at all interested in a golden crown.
(New Rule)
“The lover is a king above all kings” show that lover is everything event the king is still under the lover, this data shows that the king which has powerful position of his nation or kingdom still under the king as what the writer said that the king which has love is still slave of love itself. Moreover, the explanation of this data is that sometimespeople as slave because of love and they will do anything or everything to obey its rules, yes, when love says west they have to go to the west and when love says go to east we should go to the east. Because of loveusually people feel crazy such as Majnun by Laila and Romeo by Juliet. This illustration is stated by the writer by saying the love is such a king above all the king which become the beauty of this data.
6.   Whenever beauty shows a rosy cheek

Love lights Her fire from that flame.

(All through eternity)
The explanation of this data is firstly discussed by the love. When people think about love all good word will beside the word of love. Moreover, there is no specific word to describe love because every people have different understanding. Love is feeling, yes, it can’t describe definitely by a person who feel it; it just could be feel as feeling of human-life. The word “Love light her fire” is the imagination of the writer which the way of him to say it beautifully. In the same word, there is no love has light because it just feeling which only could be feel by human being from their heart. This way is the beauty of this data. The aesthetic value is shown of this poem from the type of the writer method.
7.With such intelligence you rise in the world.

You get ranked ahead or behind others
(Two Kinds of intelligences)
The word”With such intelligence you rise in the world,explains us Illustration,that the intelligence will bring us to good position. Moreover, the word” rise in the world”, said that we will be the person that know everything and by it knowledge we will catch the word through our nation and other countries in this world-wide. As the holly Qur’an said that
 يَرۡفَعِ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ مِنكُمۡ وَٱلَّذِينَ أُوتُواْ ٱلۡعِلۡمَ دَرَجَـٰتٍ۬‌ۚ وَٱللَّهُ بِمَا تَعۡمَلُونَ خَبِيرٌ۬
Which has meaning “ Allah will exalt those who believe among you, and those who have knowledge, to high ranks. Allah is Informed of what you do.” (Al-Mujadala:11). Here, Allah said that people who have knowledge will on the top position than the foolish, so that, as the believer of Allah SWT we have to be mankind by obey of Allah Rules.
C.2. Content (Aesthetical value)
8.   From love, bitter becomes sweet,
From love, thorns become flowers,
From love, vinegar becomes wine,
From love, fire becomes light,
From love, devil  becomes angel,
From love, sorrow becomes joy,
From love, sickness becomes health,
From love, fury becomes mercy,
From love, dead becomes alive,
From love, king becomes servant.
(With Love)
The data describes the meaning of love, the essence of love, the basic of love. As people know, by love everything or anything could be changed. In his way, the writer stated the word “bitter, thorns, vinegar, fire, devil, sorrow, sickness, fury , dead, &kingare Antonym with “sweet, flowers,wine,light,angel,joy,health,mercy,alive,&servant.”. By his way the writer present his own idea by something from other word with the other contrary words.  Here, the sentence of data above is saying to us that from what kinds of things or something become the things or something in other aspect. Such as an Islamic scholar said that, “With Love the lover is the slave of the lover”. This statement is clear enough for explaining what is love, as the data of Rumi’s poem above. Rumi stated the truth implicitly; his expression was appeared beautifully by saying such as what the data is.
9.  My religion is to be alive from Love,
 Being only physically alive is a disgrace.
(With Love)

The data refers to the meaning of Religion arrival. Furthermore, the word” My religion is to be alive from Love, is the honesty of Islam Religion, Rumi’s Religion, yes, Islam is alive from love, Islam arisen by good thing, and Islam is coming from mankind. Islam bargain the peace, it will stay on its position. The writer try to give illustration such as what we feel in our religion, he said that Religion was built by love with affection and will alive with them as well. This data is same line with holy Qur’an that
 إِنَّٱللَّهَ يَأۡمُرُ بِٱلۡعَدۡلِ وَٱلۡإِحۡسَـٰنِ وَإِيتَآىِٕ ذِى ٱلۡقُرۡبَىٰ وَيَنۡهَىٰ عَنِ ٱلۡفَحۡشَآءِ وَٱلۡمُنڪَرِ وَٱلۡبَغۡىِ‌ۚ يَعِظُكُمۡ لَعَلَّڪُمۡ تَذَكَّرُونَ
Meaning:” Lo! Allah enjoineth justice and kindness, and giving to kinsfolk, and forbiddeth lewdness and abomination and wickedness. He exhorteth you in order that ye may take heed.” (An-Nahl :90). This ayah said that Allah asked us to do good thing because Islam is good so that Muslim must do good avoid the bad thing. Here, good is kindness, kindness is same with love which love is something beauty and explain wonderful thing.

10.   With such intelligence you rise in the world.
You get ranked ahead or behind others
in regard to your competence in retaining
information. You stroll with this intelligence
in and out of fields of knowledge, getting always more
marks on your preserving tablets.
(Two Kinds of Intelligence)

Discussing the data above is reserved as the motivation of writer. In addition, the analyzer sees the beauty thing when the word” With such intelligence you rise in the world. Is composed in that data, silently, the writer give wise word to people who has intelligence, his statement is saying when you have the knowledge you will catch the world yes you will know the world by intelligence. To sum up, the writer force us to study seriously and appreciate to knowledge because of knowledge we know everything and anything through the world.

D. Lesson learned based on Religious perspective

From the above poems there are some lessons that we can take advantage and we think more. The first is as true Muslims we should be always strengthen our faith and always remember to Allah SWT and doing kindness according to God 's word(holy Qur’an) that has the meaning of " we must always remember Allah as much as possible ". Second as a Muslim has a duty commanding the good and forbidding the evil that is Amar ma’rufnahimunkar. Moreover true Muslim will not let the ugliness happen and also as proof that he rhymed to God, the truth, which is the only god worthy of worship. Third , as the Muslims who live in a society of fellow Muslims we should not have the nature of arrogant because arrogance can be the one to make in hate because we underestimate the kindness and refused to conform to the prophet Muhammad SAW (Hadith) which means “arrogance that refuses to underestimate the kindness and human”. As the end, we have life seriously by study hard and to do kindness because by doing them we will know the world and have the power of this life.


Mustofa, Mutmainnah. (2014).Literary works-life and love: student’s book English literature and its teaching. Graduate program, English language teaching study program, Islamic University of Malang.

Mustofa, Mutmainnah. (2014). The Umbrella of Life and Love Values in Literary Works. Misykat Indonesia, Malang. Indonesia.

Hamiddin.(2012). INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE.English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Islamic university of Malang.

Rhomdony, Deny. (2008). All about Love.PenerbitKesaint Blanc – Anggota IKAPI, KBI Press, Bekasitimur, Indonesia.

Hornby, A.S (1990). Oxford Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford University press, UK. Accessed on 5th November 2015. Accessed on 5th November 2015.
http:// on 5th November 2015.

http://www.poemhunter .com. Accessed on 5th November 2015. Accessed on 5th November 2015. Accessed on 5th November 2015. on 5th November 2015.


A New rule

It is the rule with drunkards to fall upon each other,
to quarrel, become violent, and make a scene.
The lover is even worse than a drunkard.
I will tell you what love is: to enter a mine of gold.
And what is that gold?
The lover is a king above all kings,
unafraid of death, not at all interested in a golden crown.
The dervish has a pearl concealed under his patched cloak.
Why should he go begging door to door?
Last night that moon came along,
drunk, dropping clothes in the street.
"Get up," I told my heart, "Give the soul a glass of wine.
The moment has come to join the nightingale in the garden,
to taste sugar with the soul-parrot."
I have fallen, with my heart shattered -
where else but on your path? And I
broke your bowl, drunk, my idol, so drunk,
don't let me be harmed, take my hand.
A new rule a new law has been born:
break all the glasses and fall toward the glassblower. 

All through eternity

All through eternity
Beauty unveils His exquisite form
in the solitude of nothingness;
He holds a mirror to His Face
and beholds His own beauty.
he is the knower and the known,
the seer and the seen;
No eye but His own
has ever looked upon this Universe.

His every quality finds an expression:
Eternity becomes the verdant field of Time and Space;
Love, the life-giving garden of this world.
Every branch and leaf and fruit
Reveals an aspect of His perfection-
They cypress give hint of His majesty,
The rose gives tidings of His beauty.

Whenever Beauty looks,
Love is also there;
When beauty dwells in the dark folds of night
Love comes and finds a heartWhenever beauty shows a rosy cheek
Love lights Her fire from that flame.

entangled in tresses.
Beauty and Love are as body and soul.
Beauty is the mine, Love is the diamond.

They have together
since the beginning of time-
Side by side, step by step. 



I am not from east or west, not from land or sea, 
not from the shafts of nature
      nor from the spheres of the firmament, 
not of the earth, not of water, not of air, not of fire. ...
I am not from the world, not from beyond, 
not from heaven and not from hell. ...
My place is placeless, my trace is traceless, 
no body, no soul, I am from the soul of souls. 
I have chased out duality, lived the two worlds as one.

With Love

The holy Prophet said that God has stated,
My intention for the creation has been love (mercy).
I didn't create to profit,
But to be generous to the creatures.
For love God created the universe,
Every particle benefited from God's Sun of mercy.

If it was not for the pure love,
When would I (God) have given existence to the universe.
I erected the grand universe,
So you could comprehend the grandeur of  love.
The spinning of galaxies is a wave of love,
     Were it not for love, the world would perish.
I was dead,
I became alive.
I was tears,
I became laughter.
The majesty of love came,
And I became an everlasting majesty myself.
Even if  the devil  falls in love, he will win,
He will become like Gabriel and his evilness will die.

Be happy, oh our well desired love, 
The healer of all our ills.
Oh, the medicine for our pride and arrogance,
Oh (love), you are our Plato and Galen.
Through love, the earthly body soared to the skies,
Mountains began to dance and became agile.

From love, bitter becomes sweet,
From love, thorns become flowers,
From love, vinegar becomes wine,
From love, fire becomes light,
From love, devil becomes angel,
From love, sorrow becomes joy,
From love, sickness becomes health,
From love, fury becomes mercy,
From love, dead becomes alive,
From love, king becomes servant.

     My religion is to be alive from Love,
     Being only physically alive, is a disgrace.


There are two kinds of intelligence: one acquired,
as a child in school memorizes facts and concepts
from books and from what the teacher says,
collecting information from the traditional sciences
as well as from the new sciences.

With such intelligence you rise in the world.
You get ranked ahead or behind others
in regard to your competence in retaining
information. You stroll with this intelligence
in and out of fields of knowledge, getting always more
marks on your preserving tablets.

There is another kind of tablet, one
already completed and preserved inside you.
A spring overflowing its springbox. A freshness
in the center of the chest. This other intelligence
does not turn yellow or stagnate. It's fluid,
and it doesn't move from outside to inside
through conduits of plumbing-learning.

This second knowing is a fountainhead
from within you, moving out.


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