Sabtu, 30 April 2016



Abdul Hamid Aly

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Islamic University of Malang

           The aim of this article is describing how the way of Modified Jigsaw Strategy can improve the first grade students’ Reading Comprehension Skill on Narrative text of SMAN 2 Malang. Based on the preliminary study, the reseacher found the classroom problems of this class especially in reading comprehension skill on Narrative text  of the first grade students of SMAN 2 Malang. The students got difficulty to comprehend reading texts which were given by the English teacher. This difficulty made 35% of the students of this class failed to reach the standard minimum of the school, most of students got score under 75 which the standard score of the school. Thus, the students’ reading comprehension skill on Narrative text had to be improved. This study used Classroom Action Research (CAR) as the reseach design. The subjects of this study were one class of the first grade students which consisted of 31 students. The procedures of the study covered four steps: planning, implementing, observation, and reflection. The data gathered were in the form of quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were obtained from the reading comprehension test, and the qualitative data were obtained from the students observation and checklist and the field note of the teaching and learning process. And the result of this research is the average of students’ score is 91.7 and the criteria of success have been reached and the students’ reading comprehension skill has been improved.

Keywords: Narrative Text, Reading comprehension skills, and Modified Jigsaw Strategy


Nowadays, one thing that has been acceptable in wide world is English as Language continents and regions of the world cause many people have been interested in mastering English for knowing broadly information and knowledge from the other country. Some people say that English is needed to be studied that because of their social demand, politics, and economic. Moreover, in facing this globalization era, people need to communicate with the other people from others countries, in order to take a part in international connection by both spoken and written communication.

However, People in this world have been changed by modern era. It is impossible for knowing and understanding international news and information without any input by reading or listening to what the world messages share, because of that situation that has to be done by consciously awareness for reading or listening to messages of the world which shared from many kinds of media itself. In this case, proverb has said that reading is window of the world which has meaning that by reading is the one of way to know broadly information and knowledge from other places, provinces, and countries which these are part of the world.

In modern era, reading is significantly activity to be done by everyone. In addition, it has forced people to be up to date from news of the new information from not only other place but also other country. It also stated in the holy Qur’an that has been given to Prophet Muhammad SAW which delivered to people such as” recite in the name of your Lord who created.”(QS. Al-Alaq:1) this verse is the first message from Allah SWT to Prophet Muhammad so that by it verse from Muslim scholar sight that the thing has to be the first time to be done is reading and the name which has to be read is Lord which the creator of this world. Moreover, the messenger of Allah that chosen one obligated to read how about the people as the followers of the messenger is being necessity activity that has to be done first before another.

Reading is part of Language that has to be mastered for language learner. It a must for the learner besides without any mastering four part of language such as reading, listening, speaking, and writing especially in reading they will not called as master of language, so that they will learn language is nothing. In addition, people need four skills to be mastered as they will become master of language. Besides, Harmer (2001:265) states teachers tend to talk about the way we use language in terms of four skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening. These are often divided into two types. Receptive skill is a term used for reading and listening, skills where meaning is extracted from the discourse. Productive skill is a term for speaking and writing, skills where students actually have to produce language themselves.

According to Harmer (2001) ideas is that productive skill could be found after receptive skill. It will make people get ideas to write and to speak. People cannot access meaning unless their minds are engaged fully with the words or sentence that they will interacting with. People have to think to understand using both speaking and writing for the meaning from what People see and listen. In this case is productive skill that must be followed after receptive skill especially reading, competence focus of this study. Moreover, through reading people will get ideas that could add their knowledge and people will get new thing from reading that becomes new innovation. Then it necessity for people to get the innovation in this modern era in order to face global era competition therefore reading is the one skill which will be mastered by people.

From some kinds of important things which have been discussed, those remind us the necessity of reading whether reading the book, news paper, article and etc. Besides, those force us to make step to the revolution of consciousness to read especially in educational aspect that becomes crucial side to take care of. Educational aspect is the significantly which caused that in this aspect everyone learn and study. While, in the school lesson, reading is the one competency skill that has to mastery of learning language especially English language lesson so that it is necessity to research reading skill at the school which becomes one part of educational aspect. However, knowing students’ needs is part of enhancing students’ motivation. Instead, student’s enthusiasm of reading that we must do two things for them: firstly, we have to have the goal of what the objectives of the text in reading; secondly, we should give the student the exams that will make them understand of objectives of reading the text (Duffy.2009:4).

Knowing as senior high school syllabus, Reading is focused on how the students can know kinds of texts according to the topic. It is crucial to notice that to reach the aim of reading skill students will need some strategy as the way of their reading activity in order to make easy to understand some text from their articles or text book. So that practicing one strategy to improve their reading skill in order to make them easy to understand is necessity. This case is supported by Brown (2000:16) stated that recognizing a whole models of exercises, activities, or task based are becoming aware of the purpose of Learning that being part of language classroom. It caused, when reading make them enjoy and easy to understand they will know and get the main of text or article then it make them get way in developing reading skill itself.

In addition, there is question that to be answered. Some strategy are innovated by some experts of education. Instead there are many strategies that could be applicable for reading but only one way which will enjoyable for learning and being main strategy in this study as well, jigsaw strategy. This strategy is specialize dedicate for reading skill in teaching learning English. To improve reading comprehension skill is suitable by using jigsaw strategy. It could be helped as Crawford (2007) described that this technique will help the pupils to be able to understand the text that they read. Such an “Expert” they will lead each other of their portion. Besides thus of them will have an action and rules in teaching and learning and knowledge of deep understanding and higher order thinking.
. In second year students of SMAN 2 KOTA MALANG, the English course has a problem, especially Reading skill. Reading English students’ motivation in first year was low interest. This could be argued that the students’ scores are low mostly. So that, new strategy of learning has to be implicated to find the suitable learning to get the main goal for improving quality of teaching and learning process. In evidence, it was proofed by preliminary test that most of the student got low score which under the standard score of the school 75. In addition, out of 31 students, most of students got under 7.5 whereas the KBM of the school was 7.5. Apparently, those problems occurred when the students less interest in reading, this was caused from both the text of passage and the activity of reading. Firstly, the students felt lazy because the text is too long and the text was not interesting such the story that is told commonly which was being the problem. Secondly, the student of SMAN 2 especially first grade students got less interest in reading caused by the way of learning or the activity in the class that they learned individually whereas they need pair or partner to share the information, opinions, or their arguments about the text. in conclusion of those problem above is the students of SMAN especially the first grade students they are less interest was caused by the text which was too long and the method of teaching learning individually as well.

 It’s clearly stated that the student of SMAN 2 especially first grade student got the problem. Furthermore, based on the statement above, I will conduct the research to improve the First year students of SMAN 2 Kota Malang by title “THE USE OF MODIFIED JIGSAW STRATEGY TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION IN NARRATIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE STUDENTS OF SMAN 2 KOTA MALANG”

          The researcher used Classroom Action Research as the method of this study. According to Latief (2012:144), Classroom Action Research (CAR) is a simple media to enhance the quality of teacher performance in teaching and learning activity as well as students learning achievement in the classroom.
          In this course, the researcher used two cycles, one meeting per each cycle, for considering the limitation of time at the school. In the first cycle, the researcher taught Narrative text traditional methodology, the teacher presenting the materials in front of the class while the students are paying attention to the explanation; consequently, the students are not interested with that classroom activity because they do not enjoy the learning. As a result, student’s achievement is not good enough, for less of 65 % got above minimum standard (SKBM of SMAN 2 Malang).
As the result of the first cycle, the researcher applies Modified Jigsaw Strategy to make teaching and learning process quality get improved. The phases of the modified jigsaw are explained. Firstly, the students are divided into 5 or 6 groups as their home group and read the different material in one group that they will receive. Secondly, after they have read the material the students are expected to move on the other group as ‘Expert group’ with the same material and discuss it together in group. Thirdly, the student back to their home group for presenting what they have gotten from the materials that they have been expert. Finally, the teacher gives them the evaluation and feedback for clarifying.
          The subject of this course is the students of grade first of MIA 4 in SMAN 2 Malang. Because in SMAN 2 Malang there are two classes of MIA department, consequently, the researcher selected entire students of X MIA 4 as the subject of this research. The class was selected, for it needs more attention from the teachers considering the result of preliminary study and students learning style who are very enjoyable to learn in group to get fun in learning.
          In this course, the instrument that is used by the researcher is examining of test comprehension of Narrative text in form of test. The test is designed by the observer considering the materials that had been explained to them. In Addition, in the test there are six question which written-form.
            The data in this study was analyzed by dividing the obtained score with the maximum score and then being compute by one hundred. This formula is selected to analyze the data. Since, the number questions are six.            

          The data was analyzed by comparing the result of preliminary study and student’s achievement after being taught by using Modified Jigsaw strategy on the second cycle. Clearly, the student’s reading skill based on the result of preliminary study was very low. Since, 35% of students was lack of motivation to learn and achieved low the minimum standard (SKBM) of SMAN 2 Malang, but student’s achievement was improved after being taught by Jigsaw strategy, as the result of teaching and learning process reached the criteria of success namely: 75% of students are motivated to learn and their achievement in grammar mastery are above the minimum standard of SMAN 2 Malang 75. Based on the students’ average score the students’ reading comprehension skill is improved from 64 to 91.7 which has reached the criteria of success.
 The finding of this study is mostly similar to Najah. AH. (2011) Islamic University of Malang “The effect of jigsaw method on the English reading achievement of the tenth-year students of SMK plus Al-Maarif Singosari” Based on the results of these study indicate that the application of learning technique Jigsaw strategy have positive effect with reading achievement of the tenth-year students of SMK plus Al-Maarif in Singosari, Malang, Indonesia.
            Based on the previous study, the researchers of this study identify some similarities between the subject of the previous study and his students in a way that they will get better achievement when jigsaw strategy is implemented. In this study, the researcher only focuses in using of Jigsaw strategy in improving the reading comprehension of first grade students of SMAN 2 KOTA MALANG by narrative text.

          The comparison of preliminary study and student’s score after being taught by Modified Jigsaw strategy show that the students’ activeness, student’s Reading skill, and student’s motivation are raised up, for student’s achievement reached the criteria of success from this study. The observer concludes by applying Modified Jigsaw Strategy can group students and provide much opportunity to share their understanding with their friend, responsibility, make student more activated and active to be involved in teaching and learning process.      
          The suggestion for the teacher, they can improve and adopted the way of Modified Jigsaw Strategy implementation in teaching of English language education by collaborating it with the up to date technology product or creative games in order to create learning process more fun and the student will be more motivated and active.
          For the future researcher, the researcher of this study advices some suggestions for the next researchers, the subject of this study can be another program for examples, science program, social program even university students, and the implementation of Modified Jigsaw strategy can be collaborated and improved considering the up-to-date technology invention and leaner’s trend or mood. 

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